LogAn Age of High Adventure-Joe-2

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Tomb of the Warrior Queen

Game log for the 2015/08/09 session of An Age of High Adventure, as taken by Joe

Start in Gerbakhan. Zahir has determined that there is vast treasure to be had. Sorcha, gone 30 years, amassed a lot of plunder that was hidden before she was murdered in dire betrayal. He is in possession of clues and has decided to return to Gerbekhan to search for her treasure.

Zahir comes to Arkeb’s potion store and loudly proclaims his intent to loot Sorcha’s tomb. Sorcha/Nephret tries to poison him but fails and the spirit forced out of control.

Zahir bargains with Arkeb to get potions that will help his search for the tomb. Corum is skeptical, but Zahir thinks he has the map to the tomb.