
Revision as of 19:54, 12 June 2014 by Earthshine (talk | contribs) (updated details on look)
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Name Methane
Campaign Ghosts in the Grid
Player Earthshine
Playbook Savvyhead
Look (Orig. PC Sheet Text:) goth hard-rock chick, ratted jet-black hair, too much eye-liner

Methane has a unique visage, a wiry but slightly unsettling figure cast in patches of pallid complexion and shades of black. Her near-average height is unimposing, but her true build is hard to ascertain beneath her partially cluttered getup. Beneath her lightly armored leather jacket, belt-strung storage containers, and faded fatigues tightened to form with electrical tape, the rare observer would find the figure of a woman who might be curvy were she not more inclined toward drinking and smoking curious chemicals than toward eating. When beared, the sinewy musculature of her forearms might hint at the same element of toughness that keeps her well-worn combat boots intact. ... along with more electrical tape. Methane's age is hard to pinpoint. There may be a very ragged girl of 20 or a youthful woman pushing 40 beneath all that eye makeup and black lipstain. Meth's straight, crisscrossing hair is cut to a near buzz on one side, allowing the rest to fall over to about her chin or shoulder, depending on which way it goes. Its jet black color and thick feathering seems to come from something applied to it, giving it an almost artificial appearance. Her fingers continue this motif, perfectly dry but stained near black to halfway down the second knuckle, like inverse fingerless gloves. Methane is most often of little words, seemingly off in her own space in spite of her surrounds, and usually smoking something unusually dark neatly rolled pasty and thin into treated paper. Unlike most residents of her current home of Abilene, she smells more of chemicals than anything else.

Cool -1
Hard 0
Hot 1
Sharp 1
Weird 3
  • Reality's fraying edge: your darkroom is uniquely receptive to the world's psychic maelstrom (+augury).
  • Spooky intense: when you do something under fire, roll+Weird instead of roll+Cool.
  • Deep insights: you get +1Weird (up to Weird+3)
  • Oddments worth 3 barter
  • Old film camera
  • Magnum (3-harm, close, reload, loud)
  • Sleeve Pistol (2-harm, close ,reload, loud)
  • Din: -1
  • Burroughs: -2
  • Ace: +3
come back with -1hard
come back with -+1weird (max+3)
change to a new playbook

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