Black Ocean/Claude

Revision as of 10:18, 17 September 2013 by Shade (talk | contribs)
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Name Claude
Player Shade
Campaign Black Ocean
Role captain of the Romarin
Homeworld Orleans
Fate Points 5

Weakness for the ladies
Prefers giving orders to taking orders
having to save the damsel
prone to navigation blunders
life for a life
Noblesse oblige
follow the road less traveled
anxiety when in ruins
member of the crew, he's family

Rank 5 Skill Profession
Rank 4 Skill Culture/Tech
Rank 4 Skill Pilot
Rank 3 Skill Assets
Rank 3 Skill Resolve
Rank 3 Skill Stamina
Rank 2 Skill Navigation
Rank 2 Skill EVA
Rank 2 Skill MicroG
Rank 2 Skill Energy Weapons
Rank 1 Skill Tactics
Rank 1 Skill Alertness
Rank 1 Skill Charm
Rank 1 Skill Close Combat
Rank 1 Skill Slug Throwers

have a thing (spaceship Romarin)
military grade brawling
military grade tactics

Health 5
Composure 5
Wealth 5
Mild Conseqeuence
Medium Consequence
Severe Consequence
Character Type PC