AWBO Smoke On The Water

Revision as of 12:22, 5 December 2022 by Jason (talk | contribs)
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Game Logs

The Maelstrom

The psychic maelstrom is an echo of the storm that broke the world. Thunder claps, lightning flashes, waves overwhelm things, and it sucks. Every once in a while, someone hears a voice providing information, or picks up something in the afterimage of the lightning.


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Recent logs:


NameRoleHarmArmorGang Size
BantamLeader of some thugs
BarclayHospital guard
BensonCaptain of the Kite
Dixie RoseOwner of Dixie Rose Deluxe Emporium & Bait Shack
EloiseProfessional violent person
FillmoreDeck hand
FrenchyDealer in weapons and explosives
GuidryMember of the Grey Cutters
GummDeadliest member of the Finnegan's Shoal guard
HaywardHead fishmonger at Hoddard's Rock
HeadleyFreelance diver
JaxHardholder of Finnegan's Shoal
KodiakBouncer at Leroy's Fish Market
LeftyGo-fast captain
LeroyOwner of the Upwell fish market
Lil' AbnerRunner for Prentiss
LoxleyGoon at Finnegan's Shoal
McQuadeDoc at Finnegan's Shoal
Momma JuneCaretaker of a refuge at Upwell
PrentissTech dealer
RiggerFishing scow captain
SaffordUpwell market rumor monger
SamsonEnforcer in Finnegan's Shoal
ShoeshineInfirmary guard in Upwell
SnapperHelper at Momma June's
StemplerHardholder of Upwell
SundayShip owner and trader
TakkoShipright at Finnegan's Wake
ThurgoodCriminal dealer in Upwell
TorrenGrey Cutter
WendigoPirate Captain of the Tuscany