LogAn Age of High Adventure-Jacko-1

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Driven Before The Storm: Part 1

Game log for the 2015/06/07 session of An Age of High Adventure, as taken by Jacko

Larsa was searching the city markets for strawberries, wishing to get a pick of the exotic fruit before they were sold out, when she was approached by a furtive young woman begging for her favor. The woman asked for aid so she could avoid being pressured into a harmful situation, one that she had no wish to engage in and could ultimately endanger her life. Larsa's bodyguard, Gaman, overheard the exchange but thought little of it as he was thinking mainly of where to score his next drink. Larsa relented to the young woman's predicament and told her to come with her to the palace to speak more of the situation.

Elsewhere in the city, at a way house, an unlikely band of travelers came in ahead of a fierce sandstorm on the horizon. Zahir, a Stygian magician, and his Cimmerian bodyguard Carram were glad to be out of the wilderness and somewhere with arm food and a soft bed. Zahir dispatched a messenger to the palace to announce his arrival. Teru and his sycophant Sima were likewise happy to have arrived but only because it brought Teru one step closer to his quarry. He almost immediately set to questioning the patrons of the way house about a rogue priestess, Kekhmet, who was on the lam and much sought after. Teru didn't have much success even with Sima helping to smooth over the inquisitors brusque approach.

Gaman entered the way house after some time with the sandstorm now raging outside. He shook his clothing and beard out before finding Zahir and relaying that his arrival was noted and the Lord Rahar would see him soon. Gaman soon made his way to speak with Teru and make proper introductions and, much to his surprise, found himself with knowledge of Teru's prey. He had seen a young woman matching Kekhmet's description that every afternoon, in the market, while he had accompanied his charge on a quest for strawberries.