Luc Duerre

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Luc Duerre is a character in 7th Sea: The Search for Salvation, played by Zorak in the past.

Physical Description

Luc Duerre is almost the stereotype of the Montaigne noble. Tall, blue-eyed, blonde, handsome. He has a winning smile and a twinkle in his eye, and worst of all, he knows exactly how good he looks. The dashing figure of Luc Duerre Gentleman Mercenary, has earned him some fame in Montaigne, especially among the ladies. His long hair is curled into ringlets and he wears a thin goatee and mustache, all immaculately groomed.


1648 Luc Duerre fought his way across Eisen at the beginning of the Objectionist War, going along as most mercenaries did by fighting for whomever was paying the most. He holds no particular allegiance to the church, believing that Theus wants Luc to be the best Luc he can be. He did become quite wealthy during the war, profiting off of noble families who either bought his services as a bodyguard at exorbitant fees or failed to do and became prey for him on the road. Luc never killed someone who didn't deserve it but Eisen itself and the war meant few of his victims were in dire straits after being robbed by him.

Luc came back home after a few years and enjoyed his wealth and notoriety. Many women and patrons were wooed by his tales of courageous fighting and swashbuckling adventures. Without fail, though, he'd get the bug to get back to his ways and head out on some dangerous contract or another. A young lady, Marie, has been catching his eye when he returns to Charouse and he's been wondering if one woman is all he needs.

Known Associates

Reginald Buckley - Scholar
Cameron Long - Swordsman
Mario Altuzzi - Explorer
Anna Fleischfresser - Mercenary

Character Sheet

Brawn Finesse Resolve Wits Panache
2 3 2 2 2
Nationality: Montaigne
Drama: 2 (1 spent) Wounds: 1 dramatic wound
Arcana: Arrogant Reputation: 20 Dice: 2




Keen Senses
Puzzle Sword (Never dull)


Civilian Skills
  • Hunter
    • Stealth 2
    • Tracking 1
    • Traps 2
  • Sailor
    • Balance 1
    • Knot work 1
    • Rigging 1
Martial Skills
  • Valroux Swordsman School (Exploit Weakness (Valroux), no offhand penalty for Knife knacks, free Raise on Knife parries.)
  • Athlete
    • Climbing 1
    • Footwork 2
    • Sprinting 1
    • Throwing 1
  • Knife
    • Attack 3
    • Parry 2
    • Double-parry 2
  • Fencing
    • Attack 2
    • Parry 2
    • Double-parry 2
    • Feint 2
    • Tagging 1


Avalon S
Montaigne S/R/W
Vodacce S