Graenath of Malthain

Revision as of 08:05, 16 May 2011 by Hugec (talk | contribs)
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Graenath of Malthain is a former player character in Harn: Clawing for Power, played by HugeC.


Graenath was born to parents Belkar and Tolis of Malthain, simple farmers who lived in the village of Thoff. His mother died during childbirth, and the relationship between he and his father was severely strained as a result. As a boy of 4, he was sent to live with relatives in Coranan, and wound up working the streets as a beggar.

Known Associates

Mammas of Pandry (deceased)


Character Sheet

Body Quickness Strength Charisma Intelligence Willpower Reaction Initiative
6 5 6 5 5 6 5 5+d6

Karma: 15 Damage: 0 boxes

Active Skills

  • Unarmed combat 6
  • Dagger 7

Knowledge Skills

  • Etiquette Street 5
  • Trade routes 3
  • Watch Procedure 3